Zoom Information

Directions for Zoom Install & Use

Install. The Zoom application will download automatically when you join your first Zoom meeting. Zoom is free to use, and can be used via devices like any smart phone, tablet (e.g. iPad), laptop or PC. The install takes some time, so please do this in advance and test it. You do not need to register or have an account with Zoom. The Zoom install only needs to be done once per device.
Requirements: You must have WIFI available, and have a Microphone, Camera and Sound facility on your device. The camera and microphone are not mandatory as you can still see and hear the meeting.
Joining: Upon joining the Prathna you will see a notice if the meeting has not yet started. The host will let you in and your microphone facility will be muted by default. You may only Unmute if you are to speak.
Your room setup: If you have a camera on your device then people in the Prathna will be able to see you. Please ensure you have adequate lighting and that you are sitting somewhere where there is no movement behind you. If you are asked to speak then please ensure there is no background noise like music or other people talking or watching TV. This avoids any distractions for other people in the Prathna.
Zoom Support: If you need any further assistance with Zoom then please email in advance to info@Raghuvanshi.org.uk and we will respond. Please provide your phone contact in the email.